Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Spray paint some dollar store fangs for great card holders with person's name on them and/or what the food on a buffet is. 

Again with the silver spray paint.  It's nearly as popular as glow sticks.  If someone finds a way to combine silver spray paint and glow sticks, they'll be able to take over the world.  Or at least the corner of the world occupied by Pinterest crafters (a not inconsiderable portion).

On to this particular pin.  The picture here is not showing cheap plastic fangs that someone painted.  These are from the Pottery Barn.  They don't appear to carry them any longer.

I'm not saying you couldn't do this, but I am saying that what you're seeing in the picture are professionally produced silver fangs, not Dollar Store fangs that someone gussied up on her own.

If you can't duplicate this with silver spray paint, you might try painting the teeth black and then using silver Rub n' Buff.

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